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So It comes a time in everyone's life that , you feel alone , unhappy , and just plain old bored with how your life has turned out , and you start to wonder , should i look for someone to spend my days with , or possibly the rest of my life with .. Well I've gotten to that point , and I am just sick of being alone , and searching for someone to full my days with laughter and fun again. About me , I was married , but am now widowed. Since My exhusband passed away , I haven't really found someone i can truely connect with , or if i can , they can't accept my child. And as any parent knows , We are a 2 for the price of 1 package. I am 22 years old , beautiful inside and out , I'm 5'1 , 170 lbs , brown hair and beautiful brown eyes .. I have a great personality ,i am fun , out going , not afraid to speak what is on my mind , caring , willing to try anything once.. I have a great sense of humor , a must in my eyes. I love to play around , play fight , cuddle , walk down the street and not be afraid of holding your hand , I love music , singing , drawing , going for walks , texting lol , chillin with my girlz n boyz , so if you are a jealous freak , and hate ur girl having guy friends , please do us both a favor and move on to the next ad. I'm NOT looking for a ONE time thing , I want a LONG TERM RELATIONSHIP and not have it be all about sex , Yes sex plays a important role in a relationship , but the bedroom isn't the only place i want to connect with my man , So if you want a fuck buddy , or just a girl to chill with , again i willl say , please do us both a favor and move on to the next ad.. I've spent to many years with guys that were below what i deserve and Its time I get picky .. So if you meet all the below guildlines , and are still going well , I really want to reply , go right ahead and click that Reply to this post button , If not , I atleast hope you enjoyed reading my post. So the guildlines are .. 1. Must be good looking. 2. Not hugely Fat. 3.
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