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I don't usually try the whole online dating scene, but I'm looking for someone different and thought this might be a good place to start. I'd like to meet someone charming. I'm not hard to sweep off of my feet, but I haven't met someone very charming in a while. I'd like to meet someone accepting. I want to meet someone honest. No one likes being lied to and I appreciate honesty very, very much. I want to meet someone who is looking for more than sex. Yes, whatever happens, happens, but I'm looking for a relationship. I'd like to meet someone tall. I'm tall, so if you're around 6 foot that'd be fantastic haha . I also appreciate a sense of humor. I'm big on sarcasm myself and can't help but be attracted to people who use it. I'm sure my list could go on, but I'll stop here. As for me? Well, I suppose you'll find out more if youre interested thus far, and choose to respond! I hope that you do.
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