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Well first off if you're looking for a woman's opinion you'll probably have more luck asking in the M4W section since mostly only guys read the posts here. Women will be more likely to read your Q there. Now moving on.... In my opinion most woman in Abq really love and embrace the whole equality thing..... UNTIL it's time to pay and then they pull out the chivalry card. Lol. I have met a few exceptions and I tip my hat to those women who don't have the What can you do for me? mentality. You are few and far between and you are the types who I will gladly pick up the tab for. I'm hardly an authority on it but I think if a woman asks you to go somewhere, she should at least be prepared and EXPECT to pay but it's the guy's discretion whether or not to pick up the tab instead. I think it's messed up when a woman says, Hey, let's go indoor rock climbing, and then putt putt, and then a nice dinner, and then a movie, and then gambling, and then a hotel...... and after every stop she looks at you like, Well aren't you gonna pay? Like she's doing YOU a favor by being with you! Lol. Unfortunately there are many guys with self esteems low enough to encourage this but it doesn't fly with me. And yes.... the above scenario has happened to me. Lol. Let the hate mail begin!
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