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Here it is again, I am more than merely what you see. I am less than the desideratum. Few know me, many think they do. I am a cypher whose code has not been unlocked, not because it is impossible, but because effort, it seems, has fallen by the wayside in a world finely tuned for instant gratifications and disposability. Needless to say, I dont reside in that world, nor do I wish to. There is no true value there, no ineffable beauty. I wont compromise truth for charades. I read some of the postings here and most say they are real and they want real. When faced with real, they are instantly less than real themselves and disappear in a wisp of fog. I know full well the common opinion of CL and the gremlins who dwell here, but this in no way includes all. It is the exceptions that I call to. I need lightyears, not inches oceans, not puddles northern lights, not laser light shows showing your work, not using a calculator crayons, not a computer program books, not a kindle concerts, not iPods face to face sharing, not text messages hugs, not insertnamehere the warmth of a smile, not . If you are looking for perfect, good luck and you wont find it in my post or in me. I'm human and I'm ok with that. My life has not been and is not easy, but it's made me who I am, and I'm ok with that too. My kids arent perfect, but I will always be devoted to their benificence. I dont own a house, and dont want to. I dont drive a brand new car, and that doesnt concern me. My credit is less than perfect, so what. My tax return will never be in the fortune 500 group, who cares. I've never climbed Mt Everest, but I have conquered many a mountain throughout my life. I've loved and been hurt, but I havent lost hope. I know there are others like me, are you here? Maybe... and maybe not. The mind is the greatest sex organ. If you cant turn on my mind, you'll never get further than that. I suppose I should add that if you cannot respond with more than a few words, you probably shouldnt bo
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